January 2012 Moms

plz help.. am i paranoid?

so i am plus size... this is my first... so i am starting to freak out a little. i am feeling this tickling, bubbling feeling often on the left side of my ovary area but it feels really low so is it baby??? i am also feeling it less often as i believe baby is falling into sleep patterns( thats what they say babies do about now). so i think this is him moving but what about kicks??? i get an ouch feeling every now and then but i just dont know if thats him kicking or its just my ligaments stretching. can you tell me what i should expect to feel when he kicks me, and these bubbles is that him moving?? i know hes alive in there we saw the doc just on the 2nd and she said baby was as healthy as can be.. am i just paranoid?  
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