January 2012 Moms

NBR: Cake Maker Woes

So yes, this is a wedding related rant, but I've never posted on the knot and wouldn't feel comfortable ranting with a bunch of utter strangers.  I just need to get this rant out.

So our wedding is 3 and a half weeks away.  We've arranged to have a friend of mine do the cupcake arrangement for us.  He asked for the money up front because he was low on rent that month, so we gave it to him.  Between then and now, he's gone to prison for a month and was MIA whenever I tried to contact him, got kicked out of his sister's house and asked me and FH to spend probably $50 worth of gas rescuing him and helping him to another place to live, and he's had his driver's license revoked for the next 2 years.  I'm finding out now that not only is he going to be driving anyway (which would risk getting pulled over and taken to jail again while he has his 7 year old son and our cupcakes in tow), he's expecting us to have to provide our own cupcake stand.  I'm frustrated to tears!  I'm worried about our prepaid cupcake arrangement, but I'm also worried about being the cause of him doing something stupid and getting arrested again.

FH and I will be working on a solution, but I just needed to get that out.  And I don't have anything chocolate to binge on to make myself feel better.

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