January 2012 Moms

When will movement pick up?

Also, this is a repost from the 2nd trimester board. 

So I'm perplexed. This is my first baby so I really don't know what to expect. When will movement pick up where I'll start feeling the baby more throughout the day?

For the past few days I've been feeling a little bit first thing in the morning, maybe 2-5 mild kicks, then really nothing until some serious activity right around lunch time for maybe 5 minutes. Then it slows down again for the rest of the day with random kicks here and there, but not tons or anything. When I get home after work and if I haven't felt the baby much I'll do the trick of drinking some OJ and lying down which usually gets me 5-10 kicks in 30 minutes.

I would get worried because it's so inconsistent and I feel like there isn't much movement throughout the day, but I've heard that movement can be inconsistent at this time still, plus at my a/s on Monday the baby was moving all over the place and I barely felt a thing. Every u/s I've had I've been told it's a very active LO, so why can't I feel that "major" activity all the time yet? Also, I have a posterior placenta, so it's not like that's in the way or anything.

Just curious when this should finally pick up because I'm starting to get anxious.

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