January 2012 Moms

I think my LO hates my jeans...

I'm still wearing my pre-preg jeans. They were kinda loose when I got preg; infact the day before I got my BFP I bought a smaller size even though I was squeezing into them- but it was an incentive to keep eating healthy and exercising!  Since the weather has started to turn cooler I pulled my jeans back out and have worn them the past week with a belt (they're still a little loose).  But when I'm sitting I can feel baby kicking a LOT more than when I wear looser clothes. I'd been wearing leggings, skirts with elastic, etc. lately so this is the first time I've been wearing more 'restricting' clothes.

I don't know if the baby hates denim b/c it's not as stretchy, or if I need to get some maternity denim b/c it will have more give or what.  But there is a definite difference in how much movement I feel depending on what I'm wearing. Call me cuckoo but it's true!  Has anyone else felt a difference in baby's movement depending on what you're wearing? 

5% of me worries that it's uncomfy for LO and that I should get some maternity jeans in consideration of LO's "feelings" but if my pre-preg jeans still fit I want to save my $ until I HAVE to buy some! KWIM?

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