January 2012 Moms

T&P needed for my niece

My niece was diagnosed with brain cancer when she was five.  She went through years of horrible treatment, but finally came out cancer free.  She definitely has a lot of after effects from all the treatment, but is such a happy and wonderful girl regardless of all she's been through.  She is now 13 and they have found a olive size mass in her brain.  She was going to go into surgery today, but her blood wasn't "good enough".  So, they are adjusting her meds and she will hopefully have the surgery soon.  Please, pray that the mass is just a cyst and not a tumor.  I just don't know if she or her parents can handle it if the cancer is back.  

It's been such a rough week - first my sister's miscarriage, now this.  I'd appreciate any good vibes you all can send to my family right about now.  Thanks!

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