January 2012 Moms

Hoarders... I get it now

I don't consider myself a hoarder. I might hold on to something for a little while, but eventually, I realize that I don't need it and I get rid of it. We don't have a ton of room in our house so there isn't much space to hold onto things we don't need.

Well, I get it now. This is our last child...for sure. We just found out she is a girl. SO, I don't need to hold onto my son's old clothing anymore. I am already having an emotional day as it is, I am not quite sure why I thought to tackle the crawl space and start sorting through stuff. I wanted a girl so bad but now I find myself so sad to get rid of my son's stuff and wishing I were also having a boy. I want both again. It was hard enough to get DH to agree to #3 so #4 is not even remotely in the cards but I do feel a huge loss.

I had my son about 4 years ago so it's been a while since I saw his things and it makes me cry. I remember these clothes, when he wore them. How cute he was and now I have to part with them. I really do feel like it's a part of him. Kills me. I can understand why people don't let go of certain things(I will never understand the food or trash but the memorable stuff). I really think I may talk to my MIL about making a quilt with DS's clothes so I can pick some favorites.

Robin - CO Mod * RP & JHutch Lover * Hufflepuff
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