January 2012 Moms

The Stay-a-week convo

We recently finished our guest bedroom in our house and my mom has taken a few friends and family over to our house to see how cute it is. Everytime she shows the room to anyone she says "And this will be my room when I stay for a few weeks after the baby is born." My mom lives 15-20 minutes away, and I never asked her to stay after the baby is born. I dont want to sound ungrateful for the offered help, but I really want it to just be me and DH afterwards. My mom is wonderful, but can be very overbearing and can make me in a really irritated mood easily.

 Has anyone else had to have this not so pleasant conversation yet? I just dont know what to say or how to say it or WHEN lol I know Im going to hurt her feelings either way, my mom is SUPER sensitive and defensive... ugh Im really dreading this.

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