January 2012 Moms

Ugh.... DD just broke my heart

She's sitting and eating the lunch I made her and kept turning around and showing me the veggies she's eating, "Look, a pea!" etc and then many of them started dropping onto the floor.  So I told her in a stern and loud voice that she needed to turn around and eat her food nicely.

She looked at me with sad eyes and said, "It's okay if you yell."

OMG...  Indifferent

And she follows it up with, "Sometimes I am bad".

Boy she sure knows how to make me feel rotten!  I wasn't even yelling, not that I expect a 2 year old to distinguish yelling from a stern discipline voice but still.  She's not said, "It's okay if you yell" about 6 or 7 times and I swear she will make me cry....

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