January 2012 Moms

Possibly UO about coupons

I know there are a LOT of people who love coupons, regularly use them, plan their shopping trips around them, etc. I think if you can make coupons work for your family, great! I am not a coupon clipper and do not actively use them.

I do think that it is trashy and disgusting to pick through your neighbors newspaper recycling bins for extra coupons. Several of my friends on FB routinely do this and post about it and I am so appalled at the idea that people do this!

After TTC with IR PCOS:
April 2011: Metformin 1500mg + Clomid 100mg + Ovidrel + Prometrium = BFP!
Beta #1 at 14DPO: 197 Beta #2 at 18DPO: 1296
At 40w6d, our Team Green surprise came by unplanned C-section and changed our lives forever!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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