January 2012 Moms

Interesting weight insight

I keep a pg journal and I weigh myself every week. I was getting worried because I have gained almost double during this pg than I have with my past two. In the back of my head, I kept thinking that it might have something to do with the fact that I was on WW back in Jan. I started out weighing 7lbs less than I did at the start of my other pgs. At the beginning of this one, I packed on lbs right away like crazy and it scared me.

I finally decided to pull out my pg journal from #2 and I looked at my weight for 21 weeks. Right now, I am actually only 1lb heavier than I was at the same time with DD, even though I gained more weight in the first tri. It was like my body needed that extra fat at first.

My point is, your body will do what it needs to do in order to make the healthiest baby possible. Mine needed a bit more fat, I think so I gained more this time. I have a feeling I will continue to gain a lot like I did last time and I ended up gaining 36lbs last time so I am a little bit less worried than I was before. My body knows what to do and I am not going to stress too much about each lb. I was able to lose it before and then some so I am sure it will happen again.

Robin - CO Mod * RP & JHutch Lover * Hufflepuff
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