January 2012 Moms

Back from my a/s

Hello -

Well just got back from my a/s and it went great! Baby was very active, and as soon as I laid down on the table the LO started kicking. Saw the heart, femurs, bellies, head, brain stem etc. Pretty cool! Heartbeat as at 158 BPM, which is right around where it's always been.

The only thing that was kind of weird, is I asked her how much the baby weighed and she said 1lb 1oz already! That was cool. But when I asked her how long it was she just said "oh at this stage they are all about the same length". She then asked me twice what due date they gave me...... So was she hinting I'm further along than originally thought?'

Who knows, at least everything looked good and I'm super psyched. On a separate note the baby is very modest and we still don't know what we're having, so I think we're going to stay Team Green till the end!


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