January 2012 Moms

Well, hello there little girl!

So up until the last couple days, it's taken concentration to tell the difference between gas and LO's movements. But it just seems like as of Saturday or so, the movements have been extremely noticeable! It's so exciting! I'm not sure what changed, but all of a sudden, they're not flutters, they're thumps and rolls!

And that's not the coolest part!

Last night, we were lying in bed about to fall asleep. I was snuggled up against DH with my belly on his back. Right as I was about to fall asleep, LO woke up (not unusual). I ignored it and tried to sleep. Then DH started and turned around and said "What was that?" I was confused, until he said "Your stomach twitched..." Turns out he got to feel our daughter for the first time! So cool! 

I've been struggling here lately with self image, tiredness from work & school, etc. It's been a down period. But as I'm typing this, my baby girl is having her mini aerobic workout just under my belly button. This is much needed! 

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