January 2012 Moms

Talk to me about UTI's

So in my 23 years of living I've never had a UTI and I know very little about them other than what I can read on WebMD. I DO have an appointment tomrrow  for the doctor but I was just wondering what to expect and everything like that as I have never heard a woman talk about the experience or anything..

I saw the post about the bladder emptiness weird re-adjusting feeling but I'd say the pain I feel after emptying my bladder is worse- like enough to make me cry ( I have a high pain tolerance to the point where I didn't go to the hospital for my pyodonal (sp) cyst's till they ruptured on their own- and its not that bad but bad enough for tears) for about 5 min after peeing. Even right now (about 10 min post) my uretha burns and hurts- but never hurts or burns when peeing. I also have pain in my back (left and right side, more on my right then my left) that pushes forward. 

Anyone experience any of this or can give me any hope/direction as to whats going on? 

Often found bumping from a phone

Married 8/1/2009, DS 12/27/2011, TTC #2, Chart


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