January 2012 Moms

I wish I had good news (long)

I have been in a sickle cell crisis since Monday and on Wednesday I finally went to the ER for what I assumed would be for a few hours of oxygen, fluids and pain medication. I had been in the ER about 3 weeks ago and since then my spleen has grown 6cms which was causing me ridiculous pain.

Long story short I was transferred to a Denver hospital and was told I'd need to have my spleen removed. They had the top people in sickle cell and high risk pregnancies at the university hospital and said now was the time to have it removed since I am in my 2nd trimester and there is a possibility my spleen will destroy valuable blood that the baby and I need. How scary.

I wasn't allowed food or drink (horrible that's all I could think about is food as baby kicked around in there) and was constantly being poked and prodded and had pain meds on demand via a clicky button. I had a horrible experience once I was moved off of the OB floor and was treated pretty bad as I landed on a transplant floor as opposed to the OB or sickle cell floor. I cried and cried which caused me more pain and high blood pressure. I have never been hospitalized before as normally I either to go the ER or to the cancer center for treatment.

After meeting about five doctors and having them speak with the three doctors I have here in town they decided to pass on the surgery (Thank God!) for now but recommend it after baby is born. I will constantly have to deal with this pain as baby and the spleen get bigger. They believe I will continue to have problems and that my spleen will continue to be problematic and will have to monitor me more closely than I already am.

I am at home finally after demanding to be released and demanding information. I had to have a patient advocate on my side to get that information and to be discharged. I am resting and trying to get over everything I went through and keep my stress level down.

If you ladies would please send T&Ps my way, I would greatly appreciate it. 

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