January 2012 Moms

Finally back

on thebump!  Any other Southern Californians finally returning to their powered ways?

 It really got me thinking though: how many of us are prepared in case on an emergency?  Luckily my family and I all live on a ranch that is about 90% self sufficient- we're talking 4 generators, 3 wells, enough food storage to feed 70 people for a year, cattle for meat and milk, chickens, ducks etc for eggs, and huge garden for fresh fruits and veggies.  Even then though, there was a small panic because we were low on gas/diesel and amo (yes we are THOSE kinds of people.)  But I know we're unique.  

 How many of you would be prepared to take on a world without power?  ESPECIALLY with kids or with a baby on the way? 

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