January 2012 Moms

How embarrassing


OMG! Pregnancy brain (or the lack thereof) at it's worst!

So... Last week DH and I get this card saying congrats and what wonderful parents we are going to be. I was so excited as that was the one and only card we have gotten so far baby-related so the next day I sent an email to my friend's fiance (they are expecting any day now) thanking her for the card and how much it had touched me.

That day I tell DH how I sent her the email and he goes: wait, you mean you sent it to our dental hygienist right, not the "friend's fiance". OH THE HORROR!!

Then it all made sense. Obviously they both have the same frist name. On the envenlope it said "name" the HYGIENIST but it didn't click with me! When I thanked the wrong person it now made sense that she didn't really say anything further about it but just asked how my pregnancy was going.

I couldn't even tell DH what I have done I was so embarrassed. Embarrassed

I'm just going to forget this ever happened LOL


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