January 2012 Moms

What is this achy pain?

Hi -

so today has been a particularly achy day for me. At times today my lower abdomen, right above the pubic bone area, would ache a bit and tighten up. If I would push on it, it would be mildly painful. But the weird thing is it would only feel tight when I was standing. As soon as I would sit down it didn't feel tight anymore. Also, it wasn't my whole uterus, which at my appointment on Tuesday I was told was up to my belly button now.

I thought braxton hicks/contractions made your whole uterus tighten up, not just a part of it. Am I wrong? Also, why was it mildly painful when I would push on the tight spot?

Another thing I was thinking was maybe a bladder infection. I had one at 14 weeks, and I remember whenever I would have to pee, even just mildly, my bladder area would ache and be painful to push on. Could I just have another one?

If I'm still feeling these things tomorrow I'll call my doctor to see what they think. I have felt LO move today so that makes me feel better. Any thoughts would be great though.

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