January 2012 Moms

in tears...mean coworker vent

Today I was at a quarterly team meeting, which consists of 20 of our statewide employees. When i first sat down the only man in the group says "wow you are really looking pregnant" i kind of laughed it off.  During lunch one of the women sitting next to me asked about my glucose screening and i told her I didnt pass, and i am retesting next monday. Then the SAME MAN  says "you know you only get gestational diabetes from being too fat, right?" I just looked at him with a look of disbelief. He goes on to tell me that clearly I have gained too much weight, and have no control over my eating, also that I am putting my daughter in danger because i can control myself. He said this loud enough for the whole room to hear and I was mortified and felt very judged. Like everyone thinks I'm a fat cow who is out of control with my eating. I've gained 13 lbs total and I dont think thats TOO excessive. I excused myself to the bathroom where i proceeded to bawl my eyes out.


Thanks for letting me vent! 

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