January 2012 Moms

Scary, scary night last night!

So I am ready for my world to calm down!

Last night when I was getting out of the shower and go to bed I had a crazy amount of bright red bleeding. I called the ER and they told me to come over right away. 

Earlier that day I went on a 2 mile walk with my co-workers and felt my stomach tightening up with a little cramping but nothing that was totally alarming. I have gone on walks before and didn't have problems.

Well they hooked me up to the fetal heart monitor and everything looked good. Also I wasn't having any contractions. Thinking all is well and I could go home........WRONG! 

They wanted me to stay over night and hook me up to an IV until morning for another ultrasound. Well 4 horrible and blown vein attempts later at 2am, they gave up and told me to drink tons of fluids.

The ultrasound tech said she thought my placenta looked good from what she could tell this morning. We waited until 1pm today to get the radiologist opinion from a different hospital and still haven't heard from them as of yet.

I haven't had anymore bleeding or cramping, which I am very thankful for. I am on bed rest tomorrow, which I hate because I have now missed 50% of the days school since it started. I know this is for the best for the baby and all is out of my control it is just tough!

Thank you for reading this if you got to the end!
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