
Why choose a ERCS over VBAC?

DH and I are in the mist of TTC number 2. Since having DD in August of 2010 I have been going back and forth between whether I want to VBAC with our next or just have a repeat c-section. I have extensively researched both options, but still am undecided for many reasons which include:

I labored 27+ hours with DD with AROM and Pit with and epidural for pain. Pushed for 2 with no progress past +1. She would slide back up after a contraction to 0 station. She went into distress and I had an emergency c-section with general. She was in ROA position according to my OR reports with no cord around her neck keeping her from coming down.

We were team green, I did not know I had a daughter until nearly 4 hours later after my parents and DH's parents all got to hold and love on her.  

After my c-section my then OB (I have switched due to communication issues while at the hospital to a completely different hospital) told me big baby (DD was 9 pounds 6 oz and 20.5 inches long) small pelvis and minimal weight gain during pregnancy that I would always have a c-section. My new OB will allow me to VBAC but has told me to prepare for another c-section because while he is supportive my odds are less then that of someone who has not gotten to the pushing stage.

I know that there is always the chance no matter what, but I am terrified of missing the birth of my baby again. I also know that things like AROM, Pitocin and the Epidural could have caused all of this and while my reports say she was in the ROA position it is also possible that she was in a OP position.

To complicate things more we want at least 4 children maybe more.

So my question Why did you or are you choosing a ERCS over a VBAC delivery? What would you do in my situation?

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