January 2012 Moms

Follow-up Up U/S from Quad Screening

So I have my follow-up u/s tomorrow for getting a positive marker on my QUAD screening,  I have made it the last 11 days having very positive thoughts or trying not to think to much about it.  I woke up this morning at 4am freaking out, I am now really nervous.  I know in most cases everything turns out fine but the "What Ifs" have now set in.  I'm trying really hard to concentrate on work but that isn't happening.  I have had the worst headache this past weekend so I'm already not feeling very well and I know part of that is probably some worry.  I'm sure everything will be fine but man I wish this wasn't happening.  But, on the bright side I get to see LO pretty clearly from what I understand becasue we are getting a level 2!
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