January 2012 Moms

A little brown spotting and more CM than normal

When I went to the bathroom a couple hours ago I noticed some brown smear on my undies and at a little on the toilet paper.  So I put a pad in and went to the bathroom again just now and had some brown spots on the pad and when I wiped it seemed like a little more CM than I'm used to seeing.

If I was term I'd be excited to see this, thinking it's my mucus plug but it's obviously way too early for this to be a good sign.

I'm trying to relax, telling myself since it's very little that I shouldn't be alarmed but it's the first time I've spotted this pregnancy.  I used the doppler and heard DS's heartbeat and felt him moving earlier so I at least have that confirmation.

I might call L&D tomorrow but the good news is that our A/S went perfectly fine on Tuesay but I also know that things can change in the matter of a heartbeat.

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