January 2012 Moms

Anterior Placenta? Tell me about it.

I'm pretty much convinced I have an anterior placenta this time around.    With my daughter, I felt her kicks at 17w and they were very obvious and consistent from the first moment (she was a complete spaz - they actually diagnosed me with "Irritable Uterus" - yes, that's an actual condition).   This time around, I started feeling movement really early, maybe like 14-15w, super duper low ... but now I feel almost nothing, and the movement is still REALLY low, like still in the pelvic area, not in the belly, and it's very sporadic and vague.   I have to really sit still and concentrate to figure out if I'm feeling anything.    For those of you with an AP, does this sound like your experience?   We have our big u/s on Friday, so I'll definitely be asking about it.   In the meantime, thank God for my doppler.

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