January 2012 Moms

Who is this guy and why is he so mean!? VENT sorry!

I NEVER complain about my husband. He is the nicest, sweetest guy ever and usually treats me like gold. I say usually because this morning was very different. I am still reeling and have tears streaming down my face and I just can't stop crying. We were having a nice morning and decided to go to a local burger joint to grab a bite to eat. Farmer's Market is going on in our town so the parking downtown was a nightmare and we ended up in the parking garage. We had a great meal and a nice time but when we were going to leave the parking garage I told him that I thought he was going out the "Enter." He absolutely flipped on me. He pulled out and then whipped around and pulled right back in saying, "I'm going to show you that you are not always a f*cking know it all." He then pointed out that I was wrong and there was an arrow pointing out. I apologized and said that I hadn't meant to upset him or be a know it all. He smiled and said he felt good---that he should do that more often. I said, "What? Act like a jerk?" He responded that he thought he'd "be a f*cking a**hole all day." I have no idea where this came from. We've been married almost 5 years and he has never, ever acted like this. We have a great relationship but it is like a switch flipped in him today. I started to cry in the car and our little guy asked if Mommy was sad. I turned around and said that I was okay. My husband said, "Mommy is just crying. We aren't going to worry about it." Then he turns to me and says, "you really can't act this way in front of him." ?!!? sorry for the vent!
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