January 2012 Moms

Reveal Party tonight but DD and I are sick :(

I stayed home from work yesterday, ill, since both DD and I aren't feeling great.  We're still waiting for the results of DD's strep test after her appt this morning.

Luckily I did most of the cleaning yesterday evening, despite feeling yucky, but now I need to be making the food and getting ready but I just feel gross!  Not to mention, who's going to want to eat food cooked by a sick person!?!  :(

I've asked DH to take care of DD as much as possible while I get things ready for the party but I just can't seem to get motivated!  I'm not in the mood to entertain and this is supposed to be a happy party.  I took some Sudafed but it almost made me feel worse b/c my head is in the clouds and foggy. *sigh*  Okay vent over, thanks for listening!

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