January 2012 Moms

Hello There! New!

Hello! I have been lurking some and thought I would introduce myself and jump into things! I'm new to this board. I have been semi-active on another pregnancy board, but have grown very tired of all the arguing/petty drama/attention seeking posts on that board in the past few weeks. I'm really hoping to find something different here.

I have been married to DH for 5 years. We have a wonderful 2 year old DD and are expecting Baby #2 Jan 14. DH is in the military and we are stationed overseas. I made the international trip home a few weeks ago so the granparents could see DD. While home, I took the grandmothers to an elective ultrasound at 16wk 4d. That ultrasound clearly showed this baby to be another GIRL, but I am not taking anything to the bank until my A/S in about 2 wks, but truely feel that we are infact having another girl. Whether that US was right or not, it was still worth it for the grandmothers to be involved and see this LO!

Looking forward to getting to know yall and hoping to finish out the second half of this pregnancy together!

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