January 2012 Moms

Devastating news... :'-( update to water levels scare.

On Wednesday I posted about my water levels being very low at our A/S.  We went to see a specialist today and to get a 2nd level ultrasound. We did not get good news :(  It appears that baby has no kidneys. Without the kidneys baby is not recyclilng the fluid so there is no amniotic fluid for baby. Because there's been no fluid the lungs haven't developed. They are there, but are very small and underdeveloped. Although not having kidneys is a serious issue, that can be handled with dialasis and transplants, the biggest issue is the lungs from what I understand. Everything else with baby appears normal, brain heart and everything are perfectly fine... I guess thats what is making this so hard. 5 weeks ago at our ultrasound everything was perfect, including water levels. The specialist seemed very hopeless about the situation and mentioned infusing fluid, and inducing labor to delivering baby.  However, I meet with her again on Tuesday as I have a lot of unanswered questions... Things like, if they were to infuse fluid is it possible that the lungs could start to develop now (which would only be a few weeks behind), how servere is the kidney issue, do we have any hope of anything changing or is this pregnancy a loss? etc etc etc.  I could use all the thoughts and prayers anyone has to spare right now. Its so hard, after feeling baby moving around kicking and playing, seeing it suck its fist and hiccuping, to thinking that it may be over, its absolutely devastating.  We intend to get a second opinion just for our own sanity, we also plan to try anything and everything they offer if anything at all to try to save this baby. We are cautiously hoping for a miracle... I'll be sure to keep everyone posted as I find out more information... and I'll probably repost this on Monday for the weekday ladies.  Thank you everyone for your support during this scary time.

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