January 2012 Moms

Christmas... too soon?

I was wondering how far everyone travels for Christmas?   My inlaws have a gathering at my sister in law's which is a 5 hour drive (usually through ice and snow) from where we live, (6 hours from my hospital).  I'm already stressing about having to make this trip at 8 and a half months.  Not to mention my husband has a huge family and there'll be 8 kids all under 9 years old under one roof.

Anybody else making a long trip for the holidays?  Anyone opting out and taking it easy this year?  Just curious...   I know its super early, but Christmas is only 128 days away!!!  

Also, has anyone else started Christmas shopping yet?  I'm trying to get it over with VERY early so I can sit back and enjoy the holidays this year.  I say that every year...  who am I kidding? 

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