January 2012 Moms

Wedding/travel with newborn dilemmas

Two of my best friends are getting married next year.  One is in September in Detroit, so that shouldn't be a problem.  The other is on Harbour Island, Bahamas in April.  Both want me to be a bridesmaid.

The Bahama wedding friend is very laid back and says she wants nothing more than for me to just be there, so she is not expecting me to go above and beyond as a bridesmaid, so I figure, why not...it's just the cost of a dress.  But I am worried about the trip itself.  It is a very pricey, 11 hour minimum flight from Vegas with overnight flights and layovers.  And the rooms are pretty pricey on the island as well.  I will be on maternity leave, and possibly taking a year or two off from working, so I don't know if this is a financially responsible decision.  And I wonder how difficult it will be to have the baby with me on the trip.  I think I would have to bring her, as it seems like it would be harder to leave for 4-5 days and leave her home with family at such a young age.  I can get a babysitter on the island, or fly my older daughter out with us to stay in the room and be the nanny.  I want to go so bad, I just can't decide if this is too much with a newborn.

Any opinions?

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