January 2012 Moms

Introductory Post :)

Hey everyone! I've been lurking for a week or two and decided you all seemed pretty nice, so maybe I should start joining in on some conversations. I'm a first timer and our baby is due January 18th. I'm a 25 year old Canadian living in Virginia, the hubby is American. I like it here but summers are way to hot and muggy! First grandbaby on both sides, so everyone's pretty excited. My mom's bummed we live so far, but we skype to make up for it. And she is definitely coming down in January once the LO arrives. :)

 Is there a way to search the January board to see if a certain topic has been discussed before? For example, I wanted to see what people's experiences have been with the Bradley Method since I will be taking that class starting in September, but I don't want to start a new thread if its going to be repeating a topic.

 Also...where do you all get those cool sigs that count down the days till baby? Thanks! 

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