January 2012 Moms

Insane amounts of hiccups

Anyone dealing with this?

I finally stopped counting after I hit 20x's in the past 48 hours.  I CONSTANTLY feel like I'm on the verge of hiccups, as if I don't breathe slowly they'll start up again, and most of the time they do.  My diaphragm is really sore because of it (something I didn't even know was possible) and I've thrown up/dry heaved about 12 times in the same amount of time.

I even came home from work after 4 hours because I'd already thrown up/dry heaved 5 times from when I got there and even had to leave a room I was in with a patient to go do it. 

So now I am struggling to keep water down or any food.  I did manage to eat and keep a corndog down around 2pm but that's the only thing that's stuck with me besides a couple of sips of water and cranberry juice.  I know baby will be fine if I don't eat or drink a lot one day, but I just KNOW I'm going to have the worst headache and lethargy from dehydration tomorrow. It's just like my whole stomach/diaphragm is so sensitive that it's fighting back anything I try to put down.... it's miserable :(

Not to mention that DD got sent home from DC early with a fever but luckily I think hers is just for possibly getting a 2 year molar that DH spotted.  We've had a rough day in our house! Blech...

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