January 2012 Moms

I have a funny story

Although, some may not think this is funny.

I was at work yesterday, and told my HR rep that I was going to need a new shirt. My exact words for my reason were "I'm only going to get bigger". We have a visiting manager from another city in right now, and she was there when I said it. Her words to me were "Are you not planning on going on a diet?"

And then I came out to all the people that need to know at work. I mentioned it to my manager today, and she gave me a wide eyed look and started laughing. She was a little shocked that the other woman said it. 

Personally, while I do think it was a little rude, I don't even mind. I know I'm going to get much worse when my bump rounds out.

<*>My Blog<*> Updated Sept. 20 My BFP Chart
Started TTC July 2010 ~ Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism April 2011 ~ BFP 5.10.11 EDD 1.16.12
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