January 2012 Moms

Had our a/s yesterday...

Baby is healthy, and gave the tech a heck of a time trying to get good pictures.  He wouldn't stop moving long enough for her to get everything she needed.  She took a really long time and then at the end said that we might have to come back because she didn't get a good look at his heart.  My husband is relieved that we're still team blue :) So as far as we could tell, everything is good with baby.

However, I was not happy with the tech at all.  From the angle that I was at on the bed I could hardly see the screen, and sometimes she moved it to an even worse angle and only remembered to push it back over when she was trying to show us something.  I understand that the a/s isn't only about us seeing our little guy, it is more important that she get a good look at him and get all the pictures she needs.  But still...  She also didn't ask whether we wanted to know or not until she had his goods promimently displayed on the screen.  If we had been team green, it would have been a total giveaway.  

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