January 2012 Moms

Slightly enlarged nuchal fold on SOME slides from yesterday's U/S

So, after telling me everything looked great yesterday, my midwife called me this morning and said that, after the Dr read the ultrasound last night, there were some images, but not all, in which the baby appeared to have a slightly elevated nuchal fold. So now they want us to come in for a second ultrasound next week on a more powerful machine. I asked about what it meant and she did not seem worried--said it is a soft marker for downs but that typically, if there is an issue, there is more than one marker, and none other were present. She also emphasized it may be because baby was moving around a lot and that it didn't appear in all of the slides.

Has anyone had this happen? We're at 19 weeks and didn't do any of the prenatal screening.

My FI is now very upset and I'm trying to be the strong one and reassure him, but in truth I could use some reassurance, too. Our gender reveal party is tomorrow and I truly don't think we have anything to worry about but he's quite upset.

Thanks for your help...

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