January 2012 Moms

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BLUE!!!!  I had my anatomy scan this morning, and we spent a half an hour looking at our perfect, healthy baby boy Big Smile  He was measuring about 14oz, so I have a good solid LO baking.  We are so excited!!!
4.22.11 = BFP!! EDD 1.3.12 Beta #1 on 4.22 - 99. Beta #2 on 4.25 - 371!! 1st appointment and ultrasound May 12 - hb 138bpm, 2nd u/s June 2 - hb 185, NT scan 6.23 - all looks great! hb 147. Anatomy scan 8.18 - we have a healthy baby BOY!!!! :) Mateo born 11.27.11 at 34w 5d due to very low amniotic fluid...we love our little man! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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