January 2012 Moms

Happy Prayers NPR

Yesterday they opened up a 2nd grade teaching position in the town I'm moving to in a few weeks.  I'm so excited.  I put in my "application" and now I'm waiting to hear back.  The job is open until the 23rd.  It would mean that I would have to rush moving (I'd have to be there to set up and start about 2 weeks before I planned to move.)  This would be so great though!  The school is about 5 minutes from our house and I have subbed there before so I know some of the staff and teachers.  Please pray that this happens! 

The only forseable trouble right away would be moving and then finding someone to watch DS.  My mom said my dad would probably be able to come up and babysit (it's an hour away from them) and they have a carseat so if he had to go down to GR for my mom, he would be able to take DS with him.  At least that might work for the short term.  I'm so excited!

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