January 2012 Moms

I hate the emergency room....

I visited the ER last night because I have been having pressure/stabbing cramps that would not go away. I haven't had any bleeding or spotting. After waiting in the waiting room for over two hours...I finally got called to a room and the doctor checked the fetal heart rate (155). She checked my urine which came back negative and checked my cervix which was closed. She came in with my discharge papers and tells me that while everything looks okay that something could be wrong and that I have a possible miscarriage. To a crazy pregnant woman...her words were more like 'something is wrong you will probably have a miscarriage'. I have been freaking out all day waiting for my doctor's office to call me back so that I can get some better answers. I just got off the phone with my nurse and she tells me that the ER doctor is crazy and that I absolutely do not have a possible miscarriage anymore than any other person at this point in time because I am not bleeding. She told me that the pain was probably either Round Ligament Pain, Braxton Hicks, or a combination of both. The day before the pains started I worked 10 hours on my feet all day except for about 30 minutes for lunch. She advised me to rest for a few days and to gradually start doing activities as I feel like it. If the cramps come back when I'm up and around, she told me to go back to resting again and repeat the process until I'm feeling better. She told me the words that I like to hear coming from a medical professional because it doesn't happen much 'only you truly know how you feel so listen to your body'. Thank God for this woman who finally put an end, temporarily, to my pregnancy related craziness.
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