January 2012 Moms

Updated!19 week ultrasound in 1 hour!

Update: everything looks good! We saw the baby and she or he was so active and moving all around. We saw it rub its eyes and even yawn :) Unbelievable. I see midwives so a Dr will read the results tonight officially but the midwife told me that there were no markers for downs or spina bifida, and all the organs and development looked on track. I'm measuring 2 days ahead but they're not going to change my due date. Our tech was a pro and was great about not revealing anything to us--she wrote down our result and sealed it and we took it to the bakery right after. Now I can't wait for the party on Friday!

Thanks for the support! :)


My u/s is in an hour and I am getting SO anxious! I can't wait to see the baby and I am also hoping everything is okay (hard to not be nervous about the unknown). We're having a gender reveal party on Friday so we're asking the tech to write it down for us and put it in an envelope...but secretly I kinda hope I can see or tell on the screen (I've been studying up, ha). But I cannot concentrate at all in this last hour at work and my heart is beating so fast. Hoping the baby is active and cooperating...I'll post updates when I know! Have a great afternoon, ladies!

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