January 2012 Moms

inconsistent movement at 17 weeks?

Hi -

I just need to preface this post with "I'm a spaz and won't relax".

Alright, so here's what I'm curious about. As you can see I'm a little over 17 weeks. I'm not 100% sure, but I think I have felt a little bit of movement so far, in the form of very light taps. a few days ago I feel like it was going on all day, but on and off. Then yesterday nothing (maybe something when I went to bed but not sure), and so far today nothing.

Is this normal? Can I feel something one day, and then nothing for days after? I know you're not supposed to do kick counts until 28 weeks or so, but just curious if this is how things start.

I know I'm a paranoid crazy person because I just saw the baby on Friday and the heart beat was great at 161, and it was moving around, hiding from me so we couldn't see what we were having. But I want to feel it consistently so badly. This is my first so I know it'll take a while.

thanks for listening to my paranoid mind being lost Stick out tongue

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