January 2012 Moms

Should I go on this short trip?

Hi all,

 I'm supposed to meet my cousin (the one I was closest to growing up) this weekend at the beach.  She's about 6 weeks ahead of me with her second child.  I would love to see her.

 Pros:  I haven't seen her since my wedding.  I'd get to see her 2.5 year old son.

Cons: House of people I don't know other than her and her son.  Being out in the heat makes me throw up.  My morning sickness is really bad still.  It's a 4 hour drive each way by myself to be there for only 24 hours.  Her husband is a jerk (though I think this is his family they are with and his family is nice). I'd have to leave work early.

 I'm torn, but I don't want to get there and be so sick it's not fun especially in a house of people that don't know me (that was last weekend's trip but visiting my family) but I would love to see her.  Thoughts?

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