January 2012 Moms

Anyone else watching a Baby Story right now??!!!

I probably should save this for FFFC/ rant thread, but I am slightly traumatized right now, and I'm wondering if I'm overreacting???

I understand that birth is a beautiful event, but...this woman had her two kids (probably age 8 and age 4? I just turned it on) in the room, and as the baby is coming out the MW is telling the kids "look, look over here, the baby is coming out of your mommy!" The woman is in the final stages of delivery, and her two kids are just a few feet away from her vagina. 

Ummm. NO. NO. NO. I think it's great to share the miracle of birth with the whole family and it's important to include siblings, but I will NEVER have my kids be in delivery room, much less have them see me half-naked, spread eagle popping a baby out.

 Has anyone done this or known of people who have let the siblings see ALL of the labor/delivery? Just curious if it traumatizes or confuses kids? Seriously, my head is spinning right now, LOL.




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