January 2012 Moms

yet another MIL vent!-(kind of long)

I don't know how many of you pay attention to my posts and see that I have the MIL from HELL. It really helps me to vent on here.

Shortly after telling MIL that we were pregnant DH informs me that she sais she will be taking a week off work when I have the baby to stay with us (even though she only lives 15 minutes away) and "help me out" by cooking and cleaning and helping take care of LO. I try to tell him that I don't want that. She can come over to visit but I don't want or need her to stay the whole week. MH said how it's what she wants to do and it'll hurt her feelings if I say she can't so I gave in and said fine.

Well I've been dreading that first week after LO is born now. Then the more I thought about it, the madder I got! I thought "Wait a minute! What about what I want? My feelings on this?" and I got resentful that this was pushed on me. Plus I know that she'll leave my kitchen a mess, sit on my couch playing Angry Birds and bring tension in our home by talking to MH like he's crap stuck under her shoes so in the end, I'll have to clean up after her.

So I tell MH that I've changed my mind and I give him all the reasons I have, I tell him that I want to have my voice be heard and I don't want her here. She can come visit, that's all.

Well, he agrees with me and didn't put up much of a fight so he told MIL yesterday. her first comment was that she can see that I don't want her around this baby at all! That made me mad bc that's her way of using the guilt trip on MH to get it her way. Then she goes on to say that she better not hear that MY mom has come over during that week for anything other than a quick visit or she'll be pisssed!

That sent me through the roof! Who does she think she is that she can dictate who comes to my house and what they do when they're there???? If I want MY mother there, then she'll be there!!!

GOD! I pray that MH and I have to move with his job....far, far away from that woman!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent it out, it really does make me feel better and calm down.

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