January 2012 Moms

1st time moms/new to TB moms/ Month Onesie Stickers

You'll see these all over the baby boards when we're on them (come January!) but I wanted to share this with you before baby comes, since we'll have our hands full by that point.

One thing I wish I'd done with DD was take month to month growth pics so we could see how much she changed from birth to 1.  You can buy these stickers, take a onesie, slap it on and take a cute milestone picture. They also make GREAT gifts (I've given them away several times at baby showers and don't think the moms are faking the "what a cool idea!" when they open it).

Some people on TB complained that it wasn't a very original idea since so many women on TB were doing it and putting the pic in their siggy. But I can honestly say I've NEVER seen them outside of TB except for the moms I've given them to. 

So without further adieu, the pickysticky Baby Month Onesie Stickers:


Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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