January 2012 Moms

So how about a litle b!tch fest :)

I need to vent and I need to be mean for a sec.

First off AGAIN my supervisor had to remind me today how there is only 5 months left and how there will be an audit and everything else hapenning and how she's hoping that I'll be there for it all and not go into labor on time! So now I have decided that wether or not I go past my due date I WILL be taking that week off. I certainly don't need the stress of an audit when I'm about to pop and now also out of principal I will not be there b/c of all the comments and pressure I'm getting. SO THERE ! LOL

Also, I got ticked off at my SIL yesterday. She's a single mom who got KUd by some guy and didn't even know who the dad was at first. Once she found out she thought she'd quit her job and collect childsupport. But the tables turned and the father wants to kid for himself. Two morons playing drama while the poor child is in the middle of it. My nephew is almost 2 now and SIL was crying yesterday how she doesn't think it's fair that she can't have some time for herself. Mind you, the father has him 2-3 days a week! She goes out AT LEAST once a week, just got two brand new gigantic tatoos, constantly gets her hair and nails done etc. But she's collecting all kinds of money and only works part time! but she was complaining again how it's so hard and unfair that she's a full time single mom and that it's unfair that she can't have a day to herself that is so important for her mental health. And when MIL said "well that is what happens when you have a child (OH AND MIL was watching the boy last night while SIL was going out and was keeping her overnight! HELLOOO!!) And SIL just kept saying "well but this is about ME, I need this for ME!. Then she turned around and told me "you know this is a parenting crysis". Like I wouldn't understand.

AND I DON'T get her attitude. She doesnt' have this boy all the time and when she does she leaves him with her parents so she can go out. This is a true story. Of course it's not my place to say anything but I find it so frustrating, b/c this poor boy is everywhere else but with the mom. And he lacks that quality time with her. It's so sad...

So anyway, this is the place for me to complain and b!tch about it.

Now it's your turn! Let's hear it :)

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