January 2012 Moms

I'm just going to vent a bit in here...

I feel as big as a house.  Another girl who is 5 weeks ahead of me looks like I did when I was 12 weeks pg.  It's freaking me out that I look like a whale.  Yes, I know everyone is different, but *whimper*.  (I'm embracing the belly, honest!  It's just... strange.)

We bought a second hand crib and now we have decided we don't want a second hand crib.  So now I'm back to researching and I think I finally found the one I want.  I'm too scared to pull the trigger and buy it because I know I will change my mind in about .7 seconds.

I'm freaking out about child care.  We either need to get LO on a waiting list or start the process of finding a nanny but who wants to line up a job for April of next year?

I have to decide if I am going to put the nursery upstairs in the smaller bedroom or downstairs in the larger one right across the hall from our room.  Whichever one is not the nursery will require H and I share it as my office/his studio.  It makes much more sense space-wise to put the nursery upstairs but that just seems like a giant hassle.  I'm thinking if I had a changing table downstairs it wouldn't be a huge deal since the baby will be in our room for the first couple of months anyway.

There really aren't any awesome solutions at this point other than to sit back and relax and know that everything will work out.  Blabbing it all out in a semi-coherent fashion seems to help though.

If you have made it through all of this, I'm sorry.  lol

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