January 2012 Moms


I know I don't post a lot, but I do lurk quite frequently and have something I really need to get off my chest. 

Tomorrow is my a/s and I'm very anxious! DH and I do want to know what team we are on, but I'm scared of finding out. I go in phases as to which team I'd prefer as both have their benefits. I know DH would prefer a boy. But we'd both be happy with either. :)

I think the reasons I'm so scared is that #1) it'll be real - I know I'm pg, I know I'm having a baby. I talk to it, I'm planning for it, DH and I are ecstatic!  But still I'm scared. #2) EVERYONE keeps asking us, "What are you having?" "When are you going to find out?" "Have you picked out names?" Maybe it's the attention I don't like, I'm not sure. I told DH last night, I do want to find out, but I don't know if I want to tell anyone! He's ok with that. I know it's childish, but for some reason, whenever I'm pushed towards something, I tend to fight back.

My sister is the worst. I think she's more excited than I am. She wants to shout every new development from the roof top. (This will be her 1st nephew from our family. She has some from her DH's side, but not ours.) MH and I are both 'go with the flow' type of people. I do plan a lot more than MH, but for the major things, not specifics.

Anyways, to make a long post even longer, I'm scared. It was very hard not to start crying at work this morning. I'm even tempted to call and cancel/reschedule my appt.

Thank you for listening. :P 

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