January 2012 Moms

anyone experiencing this?

A couple of weeks ago I had to call my Dr after hours with pain sort of like a UTI , but it did not feel like that same pain. My bladder feels SO full all the time even after I use the restroom and will try to gos(again) and nothing comes. When I did call, he said something about it sounds like IC ( Interstitial Cystitis)? My symptons went away the very next day. So he did not want to see me.

The symptoms were gone and then on Wed of this past week they returned.  and again Friday they were gone. I don't really know what is going on or really how to explain it because it has come and gone. MIL keeps suggesting kidney stone? I am pretty sure I am consuming 1/2 a case of water /day to help when it does return.

Has anyone experienced anything like this?!


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