January 2012 Moms

TEAM GREEN!! I need support! I'm feeling weak :(

So our U/S is scheduled for the 23rd. For YEARS, I've always said "If I ever get pregnant, I want to be surprised at birth with the sex of my baby." Finally, after so many years of trying, I'm pregnant and get to live out my dream of getting that huge surprise at birth. However, now I'm having second thoughts!

My entire family (I have a HUGE family) wants to know what I'm having and when I'm finding out. I've told several of them that we are not finding out and they all are like "Aww!! Why not??" That really doesn't bother me, but what's bothering me is having to explain OVER AND OVER AND OVER again, why I'm not finding out. Yesterday, my best friend asked me to have the tech write the sex on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope and I can give it to her. That I didn't mind b/c she will be my child's godmother and she wanted to fill the 1st few months of the baby's wardrobe so it would help if she knew. And I know she wouldn't tell me or anyone else. But then today my mom made the same request. Now my mom went and announced my pregnancy to the entire family when I was only 3.5 weeks pregnant so I can't trust her to keep a secret. I feel like I'm being pressured so much. Also, I'm also wondering how much longer will I be able to deal with calling my baby "it". I'm definitely feeling weak :(

I just got off the phone with my mom and I told her I may just change my mind and find out the sex. She said no, please don't do that b/c you may regret it especially since you've always known you wanted to wait until birth. So do what your heart desires. She's a difficult woman to please, but she would never encourage me to go against a dream of my own. Who knew team green would be so difficult?!? 

Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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