January 2012 Moms

Apparently I have the plague...

My BFF and me have been kinda drifting apart over the past year or so.  They don't have kids, don't want them, but don't mind other people's kids.  But, we don't get invited to their parties anymore, or invites to the car shows they participate in, nothing.  

I have texted her several times in the past month asking if she wants to go to lunch with me, since I SAH now I can go to her (she lives and works like 30 minutes away), but she keeps telling me she isn't sure she will be able to.

Monday is her birthday and she posted on facebook like an hour ago asking what everyone was doing she was trying to make plans for her birthday weekend.  So I texted her and asked what her plans were.  She just texted back saying that she doesn't know but will let me know if she figures anything out.  I know her, and I won't hear from her again tonight, but she will end up doing out and doing something with her other friends.

We have been friends for 11 years.  She was the Maid of Honor at my wedding.  I am so hurt that she's so quick to just drop me.  

And on top of that, my other close friend keeps cancelling her plans to hang out with me too.  I told my DH this is why I really hope his mom doesn't plan a big surprise bday party for my 30th in October.  I don't want to be reminded that my bestest friends don't want to be around me anymore.   

My Book BlogImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPicA Lucy, a lost tube, two lost babies, and another on the way! image
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