January 2012 Moms

Praise for our wonderful partners:

I love my husband. I just felt like I needed to say that out loud (well, to type it out, anyway). My condolences to the women who are having trouble with their partners during this difficult and hormonal time, but your rants and vents have made me realize how wonderful my DH is. He has his faults. He rarely does the dishes, and leaves dirty clothes on the floor. He gets started on projects and leaves them halfway done when he gets bored. But, he is also understanding and caring. He held my hair back when I had m/s, he fixed me special meals when I had cravings, and rubs my feet when I get home from work. He still asks me what's going on each week, and listens when I read from one of my L&D or baby books. When we're in public, he uses any excuse to let people know I'm expecting. When we're in private, he still lets me know he loves my changing feminine form. He's even picking up another job so I can quit working when the baby comes.

Maybe I'm reading too much, but I just keep expecting this to all fall apart. I keep expecting him to lose interest, or become disgusted by my body, or just completely freak out (this is an unexpected pregnancy, and has been extremely stressful for me, but he has remained wonderfully calm). But he hasn't yet.

Anyone else have praises for their significant others? It would be nice to know I'm not crazy or blind.

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